
Habits for Healthy Change: From the Inside Out

Angela Christian Season 2 Episode 111

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Have you ever wondered if the aches and pains in your body are trying to tell you something? Today I discuss the fascinating ways our bodies communicate with us through discomfort, signaling imbalances that need our attention.

Drawing from my own journey and insights from mentors Alessandro & Allie, we'll uncover how decoding these messages can lead to profound personal transformation.

Resources mentioned:

Elevated Consciousness podcast episode here.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to the show. First of all, I have some exciting news. This will be the last episode of the Unconventional CEO before I switch over to the rebrand which is Unveiled, so that's really exciting. I've been working with Joelle on a rebrand, amplifying the podcast, all of that because I just I love it so much and I'd love to connect with you guys on an even deeper level and just really help with personal transformation. Next week will be my trailer for Unveiled, so definitely listen for that and you'll hear what it's going to be about.

Speaker 1:

So today I want to talk about habits for healthy change from the inside out. This has been a really hot topic for me for quite a bit of time, since like 2015. I wish I knew then what I know now, but all good things in right timing, or whatever that quote is. So I just wanted to talk about this today because I see so many people post on social media about how they're suffering with different ailments and they just really feel frustrated with life. They feel like their body's working against them, and what's funny is I had this podcast episode planned and then I heard my intuitive teacher, alessandro's podcast today and it was about very similar things. But of course, I'm learning all of this from him and Ali Ninfo, so I'm going to link his podcast episode in the show notes, because he goes a lot deeper and obviously it's always great to go to the source of information too. He goes a lot deeper and obviously it's always great to go to the source of information too. This episode is about my personal experience and how you can learn from it and start making healthy changes in your life.

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So, first of all, our bodies are messengers. They're actually communicating with us. When there's some kind of pain or uncomfortable sensation, our higher self is trying to communicate to us and show us that we're out of balance somewhere. And before I knew this, I just thought God, like, why am I? It's one thing after another, what is happening? And if you don't listen and you don't pay attention and you don't shift, then the messages can be louder and louder. Where you're, you know needing larger scale healing. But of course, the majority of people don't know how to decode these messages, so they end up just super frustrated, which then makes the issue even worse. Right? So my first message for you is just realizing your body's trying to communicate to you. It's showing you that you're out of balance somewhere. So just start remembering that and as you listen to the episode, you'll understand how you can start decoding. And then I will link Alessandro's episode, which he goes into very specific things as well. So if you are an older soul which 16% of the world they are older souls you will have a lot of obstacles. You are here to learn as much as possible about certain things.

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Guest Emily. She said something really funny on the interview when I was on her podcast. She said you have like a PhD in co-parenting, which is so true. I had to go through every painful experience with co-parenting, with parenting, with being a mother everything that you could probably think of I've experienced because I came here to come up with a new way, a new modality to help moms and kids. So of course, I had to go through all of that, because would anybody listen to me if I was like, oh, I have one co-parent and it's perfect? Nobody's going to want to take advice on like a difficult co-parenting situation if someone just has one co-parent and everything has always been perfect, right? So I have three different co-parents and it's been very challenging, but with that I've also been able to heal and transform and transmute a lot of the pain and the frustration, and you know parenting in general. I haven't shared even a big percentage of what I've dealt with on the podcast yet, because I do in my Clean BDE program, because in order to help all the mothers who have experienced abuse, whose children are suffering from you know the toxic energy between the parents, I do share a lot of experiences in there because I want to show the mothers that I've experienced that and thank God, I have like been able to help these beautiful mothers who have been severely abused and now they're neutral or they're working towards being neutral. One of them's completely neutral, which was so heartwarming to me to know, like, okay, I didn't just influence and impact her life, but all of her children's lives as well, right? So I'm just going to give you some of the examples I've gone through, and I'm sure you'll be able to relate to at least one of them, and then also how our children and our pets reflect our issues. So I'll share a little bit about that as well.

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So in seventh grade I lost my grandmother. I had some trauma in my family and then I was being bullied at school and I developed really severe lung issues. I would have bronchitis, like back to back to back and and our lungs represent. If you're having an issue with your lungs, it means you're not feeling like you're worthy of taking up space or what you have to say is valuable. So that can show up in your lungs, right, and the first time something happens to you it can create you, you know, a little ripple effect and then more and more situations in a similar way, but maybe bigger and bigger, keep happening and if we don't shift it, then that's when you know much larger health issues can come into play and this all can affect our health, our family lives, our businesses, all of that right. So this is really important and the most important thing is it can take you off track of your sole goal or purpose. But then again, your higher self knows everything you're going to do. So you can't really surprise higher self, which is a whole different topic that I will get into. It's been a little shocking for me to really see behind the curtains of manifestation and creation and understand that when we think we're manifesting things, it's not really as clear as you might think and our higher self is very hard to surprise.

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Anyway, getting back to this topic, as some of you might know, my biggest health issue came from a black mold exposure Very, very high levels of black mold. I lost my home. I lost all of my belongings. My children and I were sick. My stomach I looked like I was six months pregnant. I was not, but my body was trying to protect my organs from getting damaged because of the black mold, so I looked like I was pregnant. I couldn't walk a few steps without having to stop. It was awful, but I will never like regret any of that because it helped me get on the path of like awakening. Because at that point one of my daughters, one of my children, started seeing entities and angels and shadow people, and so that like got me on my path of. You know, I started studying mysticism, shamanism, energy work, enrolled in a spiritual foundation program. All of that so like. Without that happening I wouldn't have. It might've taken me longer to get on that path right. So I paid attention to these signs and signals and completely shifted my life and I looked at losing my house and everything in it as like a fresh start. So, while it was very difficult, it was necessary.

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Another issue I had when I was going through a custody battle and things were happening that I perceived as really unfair and heartbreaking and I was so angry, so so angry I don't think I've ever been that angry in my life. So angry, so so angry I don't think I've ever been that angry in my life. And I started waking up where I couldn't open my hands, they were shut like in fists, and my whole arms and wrists. I was in so much pain I actually had to go on disability. The doctor said I was going to need surgery and one day my shaman at the time she was like I think this might be from anger and I was like, oh yeah, that makes a lot of sense. So I started shifting my anger, I started finding ways to heal, to forgive, and the pain went away. I never needed surgery and it was like gone, because my body was communicating to me hey, not only are you being angry, but anytime that we have pain in our joints, it means that we're being inflexible in a certain area of our life. So it was kind of like a double whammy there.

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I've also went through a lot of periods of time where I had a lot of stomach issues, like a lot of nausea, and anything related to the stomach actually means that you are kind of stuck and worrying about the past, and this can be on a subconscious level. So even if you're like, oh, I'm good, your subconscious could be chewing on something that you haven't actually shifted and cleared, which is what I do for my members inside Unveiled. So definitely check the show notes for that link if you are someone that's dealing with a lot of stomach issues. I just released an episode, or I'm just releasing an episode in the next few days about resetting our rest and digest mode. So it's an audio you can listen to at any time that you're just needing, like almost like how you feel after you take a power nap, or just like a health boost. It's only 15 minutes and it's kid friendly too.

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So it's not just in our bodies that an imbalance can be reflected. So for children up to around age five, anything they're experiencing is actually a reflection of us, like 98% of the time. So as a recent example of this, my son. He used to be such a great sleeper. He hasn't been sleeping lately I would say probably for the last six months all through the night, like I've tried changing his bedtimes. He goes to bed really early, but he used to sleep from 7 30 to 7 30, like so good. Then he started sleeping from 7 30 to 6, which was still great. Now it's like multiple times a night like I almost feel like I have a newborn and he used to be such a great sleeper and it's you know, it's not his fault, because I know he's reflecting something in me.

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And so I asked Alessandro on a recent check-in. I knew somehow it reflected that like I'm not nurturing myself, so it's showing up in him, because my friend, she is a wonderful intuitive and she gave me that little bit of wisdom. And then in Alessandro's check-in he told me, yes, it has to do with you not like physically nurturing yourself. And I knew I was like, damn it, okay, I can't get around this because I've been just like working so hard. I don't take a lot of breaks, I haven't been working out.

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And what's interesting is I recently started working with a shaman who I've been on his wait list for like two years and first thing he had me do was to take nine consecutive baths. So like nine days in a row. Every night I had to take a bath with certain herbs and sit in there for like 20 minutes and I'm not really like a bath person, but what I noticed is by the third night of me, it actually felt really nice to just relax in the bath. I like would put a podcast on and just close my eyes and sit in there, and my son actually started sleeping through the night because I was doing something to nurture myself. I also started like jumping on the like it's a little small trampoline. I always want to say reformer, but it's called a rebounder, but with, if you do get one, make sure you get, like, the bungee cords, not the metal, because the bungee ones are a lot softer on your body. So I'd also been doing that and sleeping, and so his sleeping improved because I was nurturing myself.

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And then, sure enough, when I stopped the baths, his sleep started acting up again, and so last night was quite a doozy because the power went out. So it was even more wake-ups and then the power came on. So it's hard because it's like it's not his fault. So I can't get frustrated with him. He is just reflecting an imbalance in me. So he's doing me a favor and our sweet little children do this for us, and not just our children but our pets too. So my mom showed me she had this thing on her right hand and it was in between, uh, two of her fingers and it's this like looks like almost like a calcium deposit or something, and, sure enough, her dog, within like 24 hours, developed an issue with her right paw. She had ended up going to the vet, and so I explained to my mom what that means, like where it's placed and stuff.

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Because if you are able to decode it and then shift it which takes, you know, someone with intuition to help you dial in, not always like some things like with your stomach, if you're having, if you're nauseous're nauseous, just know, okay, you're probably beating yourself up in the past. So if it's like a stomach issue, then you might be able to check in with yourself and just be like, okay, where am I, where am I? Kind of worrying about something I did in the past or someone else or what someone else did to me in the past. But intuition takes it to a whole nother level, because, one, we can decode what's happening and then, two, we can also tell you how to shift it, like rather quickly, just like with Alessandro. He told me you know you need to, you need to take breaks, and he told me just take like a two minute break every hour or two and just walk around or listen to music or do or like dance or something. So I've been doing that and it's not like sometimes it won't shift it immediately, but it might take a little time. So I'm just being patient. He just told me this like a few days ago, so and so another way that this can show up and this is really really interesting is in our cars. This was really hard for me to like wrap my mind around at first because I was like what In our cars? So get this.

Speaker 1:

I had an intuitive hit that I needed to go sign up at the gym. So I won two months of a free gym membership. After I'd been wanting to join this gym for a while, I won two months. Actually, this guy won two months at a golf tournament and I said like, oh, congratulations, I wanted that. And he was like, oh, here you go. Like he didn't, he didn't want it, so I got it. So I got an intuitive hit, especially after talking to Alessandro, that I need to go sign up at the gym. So I was going to do it one day and my intuition, my higher self, said yes, go do it today.

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I made up excuses. I was too tired and honestly I was feeling really nervous about walking into the gym because it's a lot of people that I went to high school with not that any of them. It's more of a social anxiety thing for me and something I need to get over. There's nobody there like I'm avoiding. It's just like I get awkward sometimes and small talk and all of that. And so I made up an excuse and didn't go that day.

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The next morning I woke up and on my car I have a BMW and it has like the computer and it said all four of your tires are low in air, which was so bizarre Like I've had in the past, like months ago. Maybe one tire will get a little low. I've never had like all four tires overnight go low. So then I asked myself okay, what do tires represent? Tires represent like it literally moves the car. It moves the car forward, it gets the car from one place to the next. Okay, you can kind of see where I'm going. Like same thing with my body, right. So I was like okay, I get it higher self. This is my sign that I need to go to the gym. So I was like, if I go to the gym, will you please fix my tires? And I got a yes.

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So after dropping my son off at school, I went to the gym. I parked in the parking lot. There was only one spot left and I was like, great, it's packed. And I sat in the car and I was like, really, do I need to do this? And I kept getting yes, do it. And I was like, okay, fine. So I probably looked crazy, like arguing with myself.

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So I go up to the front door or to the side door and I try to get in and it's locked and I'm like, oh well, I tried, and I start walking away and then someone lets me in and so then I have to go in, right. But the more we run away or avoid certain problems, the more they're going to show up and the more the unconscious mind will actually associate fear with it. So like if I hadn't gone in, it might start associating fear with working out. Right, because the subconscious mind is like a three-year-old, like it doesn't understand. So it might think, oh, gym danger, gym bad, you know. So I'm glad I did that. I went in. I was like sweating. It was so silly. I'm like this is ridiculous. So I did sign up. I haven't gone yet I do plan on going Thursday. Okay, so check in with me and hold me to it. But what's funny is, after I did that and I went out to my car, my tires were all fine.

Speaker 1:

So these are just ways that the universe communicates with you, and I know it can sound a little out there, but like, I've been experiencing it like it's real, and a lot of my friends have been experiencing this too my friends who are my soul fam, going through intuition training as well and so every part of the body has a different message for you, and this is what I'm learning to decode. Like I have a long list of different body parts, different symptoms and what they mean, and so when you pair this decoding with intuition, it is such a powerful gift. And I'm so excited to help people with this because I know, as someone who has experienced so many different health issues, like you can feel so alone. You can feel so isolated, especially when you have doctors telling you there's nothing wrong with you. It's all in your head. I've had doctors tell me I'm obsessed with mold, when I was literally in so much pain and I could barely breathe Western medicine for you. But when you understand this, it's so empowering because then you know okay, I created this. Now I can shift it too. So as I continue to learn, I will be sharing very specific information in my membership Unveiled and also how to help your kids. So I do this with my kids.

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My daughter, she, had a rash on her right ankle so what I did was I asked her questions, I helped her come up with, I told her what it meant when it's there, I told her what a rash means, we figured out why she had that and literally the next morning she woke up and the rash was gone. So she's seeing, even at nine years old, like how powerful this is, and I would love for every child to understand this, because in our society what's happened is we just a lot of people turn to doctors and look at doctors as like these wizards who know it all, and they really don't. I've seen so many doctors guess like. My nine-year-old had a really severe reaction not too long ago to kiwi. Her throat was closing up, she felt like she was going to pass out. Her arms and legs went numb, her heart was racing. It was terrifying, like clearly an allergic reaction to QE, and she had had little reactions leading up to that that I didn't know about. And so the ER doctor was very nice. He tried to write it off as an anxiety attack and I was like, no, no, this is not an anxiety attack. Like I had to stand up for her and I've had to do that so much and it's not fun because some doctors think they know everything right. And so he finally listened to me and wrote it down as an allergy to kiwi, and she hasn't had the issue again staying away from kiwi, right.

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So I would just say, having this, like having this knowledge, or like someone to go to for this until you can do it yourself, is so powerful, and like I do this with my teen, but she's really at a place where she's just like you're weird, I don't want to listen to this stuff, but I'm hoping that she'll. I'll just like pepper little things in here and there to try to like get through to her, because one day I was helping her move into her dorm and she just had bruises all over her body, which I used to have too, and that's not just a sign of anemia, like I've been anemic my whole life, which I just thought of that maybe that's something interesting to try to shift. But bruises actually mean like you are punishing yourself, you are beating yourself up, which I did for a very, very long time, and I know she does, because she's had people in her life treating her in a certain way and I've tried to tell her like you can shift this from within. Like one night I sat and talked to her and I probably talked for 20 minutes straight and then I said does that make sense? And all she said was that's weird. So I don't know if she actually like absorbed it or she's just in her teen phase. I'm hoping some of it's getting through to her.

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But like we really do have control over our bodies and lives and like it's a little scary but it's also way more powerful, right. But we do need like really precise intuition to dial in on the details, because sometimes it's not super black and white, like in my check-in. When I asked Alessandro about my son not sleeping through the night, I knew it was a reflection for me, but I was feeling emotional about it, so I was so grateful that he interpreted that for me, and then two other moms said oh, I'm having that same issue and for them it was something different, like a little on the same spectrum, but like different, different details. So it is really important to have someone who has really precise intuition. So to wrap up here, just remembering like your body is working for you and your body is actually designed to heal and to work really well and our body actually doesn't even have a death program in it, which is crazy. There isn't a death programming in our body, so we could live much longer than we actually do.

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This will be a whole different podcast episode at some point, but it's the thoughts that we're having. I hear my mom, who's 65, but she looks great, she's pretty healthy for 65 overall, and she'll say things like oh, I'm old, I'm getting old and I'm like, stop saying that. Like I might. It's my birthday week this week. I will turn 44 on the 19th but I don't even associate myself with that age.

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For five years I've been programming into myself that I'm 29 years old, biologically, physically. I look at myself in the mirror every day. When I see wrinkle, like any wrinkle pop up, I know how to shift it. Even you know, I had Allie, who's my intuitive teacher, on my podcast and she thought I was like 28. And she's an intuitive right. So like that's how much power we have over our what's called our creator field. It creates everything based on our thoughts, emotions, beliefs. All of that right. And so we actually have so much power and this is what I'm really excited to get into in unveiled. So stay tuned, next week will be the trailer and then and the whole rebrand is coming. Very excited about that. So sending you guys so much love.