
Unveiled: What to Expect going Forward (and a fun manifestation story)!

Angela Christian Season 3 Episode 113

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An episode on what to expect from Unveiled!

Thank you Joelle Suess for your help with the rebrand.  If you're looking to amplify your podcast, check out Joelle here.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Unveiled the podcast. I'm your host, angela Christian, and I help you with unveiling your true self by peeling away the layers that society placed on you. I do this with a combination of neuroscience, energetics and ancient spiritual wisdom. I went from underpaid and overworked in corporate America to launching a six-figure company that continues to grow. I went from toxic relationships to being happy and single for over a year as I worked and continue to work on becoming the best version of myself, and so much more. My greatest passion is to help women and mothers heal, transform and become the highest versions of themselves. Heal, transform and become the highest versions of themselves. As I continue to grow and expand my intuitive knowledge and unique wisdom, I'll be including you on my journey to millions, so let's get into it.

Speaker 2:

Hello, hello and welcome to Unveiled. I'm so excited to share this new podcast situation with you guys. It's been in the works for a while now and I'm so grateful for Joelle. I will tag her Instagram in the show notes because she has been monumental in helping me with this rebrand. And then I also had her helping me with what's called an audit and amplify so that I can really get this podcast out to more and more people. I mean, the growth just over the last three months has been insane. It's like doubled, maybe tripled. So thank you, thank you so much for listening. I'm so glad that you're here.

Speaker 2:

I feel like we are just soul family, meant to be in each other's lives, and if you're here, then it's definitely for a reason. We have some type of soul contract, which is really cool, and I decided to make this shift because Unveiled just really describes what it is that my sole purpose, my mission, is. It's helping you unveil the true you. What's underneath all of that programming, all of the conditioning, all of the false information that you aren't special, that you aren't unique, all of that BS, because you are special, you are unique and it's why I'm here on earth during this lifetime. So I just love the way that my podcast has evolved. If you've been with me from the beginning, you'll know and thank you that my first iteration was Her Circle and I launched Her Circle because I really wanted to get over my fear of public speaking. This was two and a half years ago. Crazy, I used to get like 10 downloads a week and now I'm getting like 90 downloads a week. So it just shows like yes, it takes time, but it's so worth it. I love podcasting. It's probably one of my top three favorite things, to be honest, because I love just being able to share this information to channel.

Speaker 2:

I rarely use scripts, only when it's like a very specific topic, which I probably will start scripting things out a little bit more, just like an outline, because I want to start teaching things on the podcast. So I want to make sure that you know when I do have teaching podcast or when I do have teaching episodes. I do usually have an outline to make sure I don't forget anything. But I also just love a good channel sometimes and so when I started with Her Circle, I really just felt comfortable at that time, just kind of thinking about women being in my circle, because I had experienced a lot of abuse all about for men, which is a whole different topic radical responsibility. I do not blame them about something I'll definitely cover in one of the upcoming episodes but at that time I had to do what felt safe. And so what felt safe for me was just thinking, okay, I'm just going to create basically like a mother's circle or a woman's circle, and so I would. I think I brought more guests on than I actually did solo interviews because I was still, you know, learning my voice, feeling comfortable, and it was like very difficult for me at first. And so then after I I kind of felt, okay, I'm ready to so.

Speaker 2:

Then I went on to the 5D CFO, or was I the 5D CEO, I can't even remember now, but that was at a time where I was trying to bridge the worlds of finance and spirituality, which are very, very different worlds, and I have very different clients. Like my CFO clients are very 3D and my coaching clients, the students in my programs they're very like on the 5D path, right, like if you don't know what that means just like 3D is just all about. You know, you can imagine a typical client of mine just like wanting the numbers, wanting the financials, like there's no like spiritual questions, right, where my students are more like. I want to know more than just what I see. Basically, I want to know, like the secrets and that's why I love the word unveiled. So, anyway, getting back to that, so then I you know, I was like I'm going to be the first 5D CFO, just didn't really. Be the first 5D CFO, just didn't really. I mean, I did get some acknowledgement of what I was trying to do, but I just don't think the two worlds are quite ready to be there.

Speaker 2:

But what's cool is one of the offerings I'm working on that I'll offer, probably in, I would say, in the next six to 12 months. It's called a CFO S-E-E-F-O, an intuitive CFO, because, in case you didn't know, large corporations hire intuitives psychics to help them with business decisions. But the issue is that these intuitives are typically around like 55% accurate. So what I've been working on in the last six months is really dialing in my intuition and my psychic abilities so that it's 100% accurate, and I'm doing that inside Guided Light Healing. I started this you know, journey and learning all of this back in 2017, so it's not like I'm new to the whole intuitive psychic scene. I just never felt really like comfortable putting that out there until I got into guided light healing and Alessandro, who's the CEO founder, told me, like my psychic abilities are 98%. He's like that means your soul is here, literally to tell the world that you are an intuitive and your whole soul purpose includes some kind of intuitive capacity. So that was really exciting because I was like, oh, here's how I can bridge the world and you can do that in anything you could do that. You could be an intuitive chef, right, or you could be an intuitive teacher. That would be amazing. Actually Our kids could do that. You could be an intuitive chef, right. Or you could be an intuitive teacher. That would be amazing. Actually Our kids really need that. There's so many things you could do and everybody has intuition. It's just learning the skills because it is a muscle and I didn't really understand this before, but it really is a muscle and what I love about Alessandro is he teaches it from the foundation. You are learning very solid information and what I love about Alessandro is he teaches it from the foundation, like you are learning very solid information, and I've also learned intuition and Ali Ninfo's program as well, and they really complement each other because Ali gives us very advanced tools and so, with the foundation of what I've learned with Alessandro, I'm able to use the tools Ali has taught me to like.

Speaker 2:

I helped my friend last week, a week before she was considering purchasing a program. It was a three thousand dollar program and it was about health. I didn't know the woman, I didn't know the program and I just said, okay, don't tell me any more information, because for me it's better if I don't know. The less information I know the better, because then I'm not emotionally manipulating my intuition. So I looked in intuitively for her and I said, actually this program is only about 40% source truth, which just means like the information in it is only like aligned with what source would say about 40%, which is really low. Right, if you think from zero to 100%, that would be like a F. I was going to say a D, that would be definitely an F. And so I saved her $3,000.

Speaker 2:

And it's like I'm not and it has nothing to do with me, like it doesn't matter to me whether she takes it or not. I mean, obviously I want her to improve her health. But what I did then was I looked at other programs for her and I said, okay, do this one, consider this one in the future. You know blah blah blah. So I ended up saving her money and put her on the path to where her higher self and her soul want her to be and where she'll get the best investment for her health, right? So those are the kinds of things we can do, because there's a lot of naturally gifted intuitives and psychics in the world.

Speaker 2:

But just because you're gifted or you know you're accurate sometimes, if you're not accurate 100% of the time, then it's just missing this like scientific piece, then it's just missing this like scientific piece, right? And as Alessandro and Ali teach us, if you're going and you're seeing a psychic or an intuitive and you don't really know them, if you're just going to a random intuitive or psychic, you don't know their background, you don't know their training. You know some people don't even have any training. They just feel like, well, it's a gift and so I'm going to go offer this. But the thing is is we have all these different fields which I will get into in future episodes, so they could just be reading your thought field or your emotion field or your creator field, and that's a lot different than reading your higher self information. So, for example, if you go to a psychic and you're like I feel like I'm never going to have kids, and that has been in your thought field for a long time, which then goes into creator field and anything in your creator field creates all of the matter, circumstance and situations in your life, so that psychic might be really gifted, but she might be reading your thought field and she's just confirming your thoughts. She's hearing I'm never going to have kids and she's thinking that's the message she's getting from you know, wherever she channels it from. So it's really important to understand who you're seeing as an intuitive or a psychic, and so that's a whole different topic that I won't get into right now. But just being mindful of that, like maybe asking like you know, do you have training or where were you trained, like all of that kind of stuff. So okay, getting back on track here.

Speaker 2:

So I was the 5D CFO. Then I became the unconventional CEO, which that was just like okay, I was realizing the whole 5D CFO wasn't really working quite yet and I noticed I was really bringing in a lot of CEOs onto my show who had impacted me in a positive way I more resonated with that. I'm a CEO. I am, I run two companies. I'm CEO of two companies. So I also liked the unconventional piece. Because I am an unconventional CEO, I run a very 3D finance CFO firm and then I also have a coaching program for, like very spiritual and energetic students, right, and so it is very unconventional and I love unconventional CEOs. It's like like Andrea Crowder, my coach mentor, like love her, I just love unconventional CEOs. So that made sense and I was trying to like play off of the word unconventional, because if you look in the word unconventional the letters CEO stand out and so there was definitely something there I just couldn't quite. It still didn't feel 100% resonant with me. So that's okay. That's the thing is.

Speaker 2:

Like we're taught that it needs to be perfect, that we shouldn't take risks, that we shouldn't change. That is all BS, like it's. You are going to evolve. You shouldn't just stick with something. If I was still her circle, that would not be vibing with me or people that would not be. That's not who I am anymore. That was two and a half years ago. You know, like I have evolved so much in the last year, but really in the last six months, my soul has expanded and grown so much with all of the information I've learned with working with a shaman who, you know he's not on the internet. I was on his wait list for two years before I was able to even talk to him, and so he's working with me in the background.

Speaker 2:

And then I'm actively working on my intuition and financial mastery and emotional mastery and all of these things, really dialing them in so I can be the best possible teacher, and that's what I'm going to be sharing with all of you as well. So I'll be sharing all things like energetic neuroscience, the world of the unseen, which I haven't talked about, but I have wanted to for so long. Like I've been obsessed with the world of the unseen since I was a kid. I was always just like scared to talk about it before, but now I'm not. So get ready. And then also my biggest, the biggest piece of all of this is unprogramming. What we've been programmed to be, which is conforming, being the same right I will get into this in detail in a future episode but like just there's this great Instagram post going around comparing a school to a jail, like the way that they look and the way they operate and it is so similar and that is by design. It's to get us all to conform and not to understand our power and how special we are. So we are going to undo all of that in here to a certain extent.

Speaker 2:

Obviously, right, this is a free podcast, so any topic that I touch on in here I dive way deeper in my membership or in one of my other programs and if I mention a topic I'll always tell you like, if you want to dive deeper on this, go here or you can always reach out to me. But I just want you guys to understand for a second like the value of my membership. Right now my hourly rate is $350. So if you were to book a one-on-one with me for an hour, it'd be $350. Inside my membership you get a live call with me once a month where you can ask me anything. We're all you know.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes I'll have specific topics month where you can ask me anything. We're all you know. Sometimes I'll have specific topics. Now I've asked people they could submit ideas or topics in advance or even intuitive questions like hey, can you look into this for me? You get that. You also get one like main audio. So for October, our like, main topic. Our longest audio will be on magnetism, requested by a member, so you can also request specific topics, and then throughout the month, I just share shorter audios, very similar to the way that Andrea Crowder does in Legends, which I love. She just kind of channels and I'm like I love that too. Like we have the same birthday, so it makes sense that I would love that as well. So, like, for example, I have an audio I'm going to be sharing sometime this week about how unprocessed anger can show up as like shingles or a painful rash, which I dealt with back to back this month. So I'm really going to like share how I shifted that and how to neutralize it. Once I shifted it and neutralized it, I woke up the next morning and it was like the pain was gone and the rash was just about gone as well. But it's something that our bodies do for us. That's the thing. And the more that you raise your frequency they're called reflections they will pop in faster. So it literally feels like you're getting hit every week and you're like what the hell?

Speaker 2:

I thought being spiritual meant I would have an easier life, probably more per month, but I'm only charging $77 a month right now, or it comes out to less if you purchase for the year. And the reason I do this is because people don't value free information. They just don't. Like I've given free information to so many people. I've offered free coaching to people. They don't show up Anytime. I've offered, like, a free program to someone, they don't do it Even though it would benefit them. They just don't do it. So like we do not, as humans, value free information, we won't take action. If we're paying for something, we are invested in it, and so $77 a month is a fraction of the value you're getting. But I have to charge something right and which we'll get into as well. Like source, god, universe, whatever you like to call it source wants us to charge. Like that's a whole different like topic I'll get into of how like money has been viewed as a negative thing in the spiritual world. That is all false. So long story short. If there's a topic that you like on my podcast, it's more than likely in my membership, but in more depth, because I don't want to share all of my stories on my podcast, just putting out all of this information. So there has to be some kind of like paywall to to like access my more private stories, information, all of that, and it's $77 a month. You can cancel at any time, unless you purchase the year. Then you're committed to the year, but there's over 35 audios already in there waiting for you. So if you're interested, check it out. I'll put it in the show notes Really quick.

Speaker 2:

I did want to touch on a fun story that happened in the last couple of weeks and this is kind of once you learn how to do this as well. You can manifest very quickly like this as well. But I don't look at manifestation the way that I used to, because we're actually not creating anything that our higher self didn't expect. Like it's very, very rare that we're able to manifest something and shock our higher self, so like it's not really manifestation, it's more like creation. So now I'm able to like tap in faster to the things that I desire and this is going to be in my magnetism audio for October, diving in a lot deeper on how I do this.

Speaker 2:

But, for example, a couple of weeks ago I was like God, I need a vacation. I like just need like a break, and I love traveling. Traveling's probably like my number one passion hobby, which I don't get to do very much of because I'm a full-time mom, so it's rare that I get to travel anywhere and I've only like the last time I was out of the country was five years ago, maybe six years ago, yeah, probably six years ago. So a couple of weeks ago I was like, gosh, I really want a vacation.

Speaker 2:

Then last week I woke up to a message from one of my CFO clients. So I opened their US office and I've been running it for the last year and it's you know, I'm really good at efficiency. And so they're like hey, can you take over our Dubai office? And so I've been trying to do that from here. Their current accountants are in Dubai and it's been a little difficult, a little challenging. So he asked me last week can I just fly you out to Dubai just to meet with them? Get what you need, we'll pay for your hotel, pay for your airfare, all of that.

Speaker 2:

So I was like, oh my gosh, and I've been wanting to go to Dubai for years. It just looks so beautiful. And some people might be like, oh my gosh. Like, and I've been wanting to go to Dubai for years, it's just looks so beautiful. And some people might be like, oh my God, that's a long flight it is 15 hours but that to me sounds like a dream, because I can sit on the plane, I can watch my videos, I can learn, I can write, I can do all of these things that I normally can't do or I do but in very short amounts of time, normally can't do or I do but in very short amounts of time. So I'm in the process of planning for that, and so the piece that I'll speak to in my audio is one, how I even became a match for that, and then two, how I became a match for, like choosing, like they're letting me choose the hotel that you know, the airfare, all of that, and that really does take some inner shifting to make to make you feel like, yes, I'm worthy of this, you know and I deserve this. So we'll get into all of that inside the membership.

Speaker 2:

But in today's episode I just really wanted to kind of give you a sneak peek into what's coming.

Speaker 2:

I am going to be planning the episodes in advance, which I didn't do before. Joelle helped me sit down and kind of plot out the episodes for the rest of the year, which was so helpful, and always feel free to reach out to me on Instagram at Angela Marie Christian, if you're ever wondering, like, hey, do you talk about this in your membership? Or you know, I have a couple other programs as well, like my Clean Baby Daddy Energy program, specifically for moms who are wanting to just neutralize high emotions around co-parenting, and I've successfully been able to do that for the women in there, which is amazing, whole different. I'll share like more in detail on a different episode about that, but I'll share in a different episode about the different programs that I have, just so you know. So yeah, I'm so excited about helping you unveil who you are.

Speaker 2:

I'm looking at this beautiful blue jay right outside my window and I've never seen one here, so I was a little distracted. But I think that's a good omen and I will end there, sending you all so much love and thank you for being on this amazing ride with me. You are soul family and I'm here for you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to Unveiled. I always love hearing your takeaways, so please connect with me on Instagram that Angela, marie, christian and feel free to tag me when you share it with your friends. Every single review matters and it helps me reach me. When you share it with your friends, every single review matters and it helps me reach more people who want to improve this world. If you leave a review, let me know and I'll send you a little thank you gift. Any resources mentioned in the show will be linked in the show notes, sending you all love. Bye.