
Unlocking Your Inner Magnetism: A Peek inside Unveiled (The Club)

Angela Christian Season 3 Episode 115

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Unlock the secrets to unleashing your inner magnetism and transforming your life in ways you never imagined. Imagine reconnecting with your true self, harnessing the power of neuroscience, energetics, and spiritual wisdom, and watching as your personal and professional worlds flourish.

In this episode, I share an audio from my membership on Magnetism. 

If you'd like to continue the journey of curating your magnetism, join us inside Unveiled - The Club

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Unveiled the podcast. I'm your host, angela Christian, and I help you with unveiling your true self by peeling away the layers that society placed on you. I do this with a combination of neuroscience, energetics and ancient spiritual wisdom. I went from underpaid and overworked in corporate America to launching a six-figure company that continues to grow. I went from toxic relationships to being happy and single for over a year as I worked and continue to work on becoming the best version of myself, and so much more. My greatest passion is to help women and mothers heal, transform and become the highest versions of themselves. Heal, transform and become the highest versions of themselves. As I continue to grow and expand my intuitive knowledge and unique wisdom, I'll be including you on my journey to millions, so let's get into it.

Speaker 2:

Welcome back to the podcast. Welcome to Unveiled. I am here in Dubai. I'm a little tired, but I actually did a great job of preventing jet lag. For the most part, I'm just a little, you know, lacking sleep, trying to adjust to the time here. I'm about to head to the beach, but I wanted to record this podcast for you guys.

Speaker 2:

It's actually a clip of my first audio inside my membership for the topic of magnetism. It's the first audio of several to start helping my members shift into that magnetic version of themselves that has always been there. Right, you'll hear me talk about that, but I wanted to share it with you guys just to give you a little peek into what we do in the membership, because I've seen such amazing shifts from the beautiful members of my membership and it's truly what the world needs right now is us removing what's not us and tapping into what is our unique, special self right. So take a listen and if you enjoy it, you can join the membership for $77 a month. That's what the price is as of now, october 15th 2024. That includes there's already like 35 plus audios in the membership. There are audios that you start with, that begin the transformation. So those I recommend listening to first, because that will really set the foundation of your transformation. So I believe there's four it's called phase one audios, so you listen to those first and you just go in order and it builds upon each other, and so each audio builds on the next right, and so we're really doing a lot of transformation, a lot of deep healing, a lot of removing childhood programming all of that. And then each month we have a live call where you can come ask me anything. There's actually a Google sheet that you can fill out. If you can't be live, you can just pop your questions on there and I'll answer them, and there's usually a main topic each month, and then I'll do shorter audios throughout the month too. So, yeah, we're having a great time in there.

Speaker 2:

My members have seen increased revenue, they've seen a decrease in stress, decrease in anxiety. They're even letting their kids listen to the audios and their kids are healing. So it's just such an amazing thing. This is really like, oh, just like warms my heart every time I hear something like that. And so, yeah, for $77 a month, you can cancel any time, unless you join the year for the year. So if you join for the year, you get I think it's two months free. It's either two or three months, I can't remember. Okay, no, and then you also get access to this new course I'm creating, called the Breakout Blueprint, which is all about breaking free from the corporate world or from a job you just don't love, whatever it might be. So if you pay in full for the year, you get access to that free course that I'm creating right now. There's already, I think, two audios in there, but it's continuing to get built out, and then, once it's fully built out, it'll probably be like $699, but you're getting it for free right now if you join for the year. So if you have any questions, feel free to reach out, as always. But yeah, I just love my members. I love how much they're committed to tapping back into that specialness, that uniqueness that we were born with, but that society and programming stripped away, and so it's such an amazing step when you can start undoing it all right. So enjoy Sending you guys so much love.

Speaker 2:

Hello, my loves from Dubai. I'm so excited to record this first audio on magnetism for you. This will be several audios, as I mentioned, because I really want to dive deep into this, because I just feel like this is such an important topic and I feel like it's one that's really popular right now, which is great. So I'm really going to, as I mentioned before, dive deep into this, and I had just done a podcast episode on, kind of like a prereq of this audio last week, so I'm going to link it in the show notes. I would definitely listen to that if you haven't yet, just to get kind of an idea of where we're heading. You don't have to stop this, but just go listen to it when you have a second.

Speaker 2:

So magnetism this is something that we were actually born with. If you can just think back for a minute, close your eyes, imagine being a baby. Or maybe you're a mother, so you have had a baby. You know how this is. If you're a baby and you cry, what happens? If you're a baby and you cry, what happens? Everybody rushes over to help you. You know, are you hungry? Do you need your diaper changed? Are you tired? Everybody's running around trying to help you, right?

Speaker 2:

We are literally born with magnetism, but we weren't raised to be magnetic. But we weren't raised to be magnetic, unfortunately. So some of that was intentional which is a dark force topic and then some of it was unintentional, meaning it's just the way our parents did things, so that's the way they did it, right? So that's, our parents are intentionally trying to make us un-magnetic. They're just doing what they were taught. So let's just think about this for a second. We are born magnetic. We go into school.

Speaker 2:

Our school system was actually chosen to be a place of conformity. So in the 19th century not to get too historical on you guys but in the 19th century that we had the rise of industrialization and this brought about the need for a disciplined and literate workforce. So we had a lot of factories happening back then, and factory workers really wanted people who could follow instructions beyond time and operate in a very systematic environment, and so they wanted the school system to reflect this, and schools were actually based on this. The schools adopted a factory model of education, and it's not hard to see that now, right, if you look back, schools actually resemble a lot to jail If you think about it. They're inside all the time. They get let out a little bit to play, they're fed disgusting food in the cafeteria, unless you're one of the lucky schools where my oldest she went to kindergarten in Berkeley, california, and they had an amazing organic school lunch program. They had a garden, they had a salad bar. I mean, that's just what we should be feeding our kids, right?

Speaker 2:

So our school system has not evolved and the emphasis is on conformity. It's on obedience, and just like basic literacy. Also, I would add a distraction, because why the hell are we learning about geometry when we should be learning about finances? Right, a lot of distraction. Not only that, but we're taught that there's someone above us, so it instills obedience to an authority figure. Right, we have to ask to go to the bathroom, we have to ask if we're in class and we try to eat. Like some of us have low blood sugar, I have to eat like every two hours, just a little bit, you know, and we would get yelled at, we'd have to hide it, like it's just ridiculous once you think about it.

Speaker 2:

But they were just really wanting to create a uniform of citizens who could follow orders, right? And then in the early 20th century, at some point, there were laws that mandated that all kids attend school. This would ensure that everybody received the same basic education and it was to create uniformity across society and, if you just think back, like public schools for sure served as a way to have control over us. It wanted to shape our behavior and instill discipline right, it didn't raise. It didn't teach us how to be magnetic. It didn't teach us how to be entrepreneurs or stand out or be our special selves. It wanted to make us like everybody else.

Speaker 2:

And my son? He was diagnosed with ADHD. I've basically healed him almost 100% just based on certain supplements, energy, work and positive parenting. But he's a very curious social boy and I don't want them to bang that out of him. I love that he's curious, I love that he always asks people questions and I don't want him to be just like anybody else. So my goal is to find like a small community of like-minded parents and we can just like hire a teacher to homeschool our kids. That is the dream, right.

Speaker 2:

And then my daughter, who's nine. She's so kind and so smart, she's very social and she loves chatting with her friends at school. And I told her don't change who you are as long as you're doing your work, don't let that bother you. I want my kids to embrace their uniqueness and if there were more people in the world embracing their uniqueness? That's how you tap into your natural magnetism, when you are aligned with your soul, purpose and your higher self. Right, because there is a reason why you have certain interests. There is a reason, and schools don't recognize that.

Speaker 2:

So this might have worked well for them back in the factory days where, when they were really just wanting to create factory workers. But we aren't in those days anymore. We're in an era where there's a lot of entrepreneurs and there's a lot of people who spend so many years, me included, trying to find who I was as a child, right? I've had to literally remove all of the programming and peel back the layers to just really become who I was to start with, right? So that's what we're going to do in here, and you guys have already done a lot of work with the other 30 plus audios you've already listened to. So you've already pulled back so many layers and that's why you're seeing such great results. I love hearing about your results, and they all layer upon each other.

Speaker 2:

So it's not our fault that we are literally like trying to just find ourselves again, right, and some people might not put it into those words, but that's basically what we're doing and, as you guys know, it all really starts with reprogramming, which we've already been doing in here and just becoming aware of what we're doing that actually messes with our magnetism, right? So in my Clean BDE program right now I'm working with the moms on emotional mastery and that's a huge piece of it. Maybe I'll drop, like as a bonus, the first emotional mastery audio in here for you guys too, because emotions play a huge, huge piece in it. Because, as you know, when we're in fight or flight we become dumber, right. We can't access that logical part of our brain. If we're wanting to be magnetic, that probably means like if your desire is like I want to be more magnetic, then it means it's probably not how you've been or felt, right, and so to to shift into your true magnetism, we have to think different thoughts, we have to work on our beliefs and we have to take different actions. Otherwise you will literally stay in the same loop, which you guys know. To access our innate magnetism, we have to reclaim our identity that we were born with. We have to get our behavior, beliefs and actions to align with that.

Speaker 2:

So I've done a lot of work here. Right of the things that use that I used to struggle with is speaking in front of people, and so just think if I were, if I were doing a class for you or giving a speech or even on my podcast, if I showed up and I was like hey guys, thanks for being here, and I was like super nervous and awkward, like you would be able to feel that right, that's not magnetic. I've done a lot of work to be really confident in what I'm sharing. I wasn't always like this, but what did I do? I changed my beliefs, I changed my thoughts, I changed my actions. So I started a podcast when that felt super uncomfortable for me, even though I was just like really talking to no one. I think five people downloaded my podcast back then and I would force myself to do interviews with people who I felt were like pretty well known and that, you know, definitely made me nervous, but I did it anyway.

Speaker 2:

So we have to, and that's the thing is like humans don't like discomfort, they don't like feeling awkward, but I forced myself. And so when you start looking at discomfort as actually like part of your transformation and obstacles as part of your transformation, it becomes a lot easier, because the human impulse is like I just want everything to be perfect all the time, but we don't grow when everything is perfect. We don't grow without obstacles. So, working on your magnetism, you're going to face some obstacles, and I'll explain what I mean by that. But just like not really obstacles being, you know your higher self is going to face some obstacles, and I'll explain what I mean by that. But just like not really obstacles being, you know your higher self is going to be really excited that you are jumping in and that you are wanting to tap back into your natural magnetism. So opportunities well, I say opportunities, but you might see them as obstacles Opportunities will present themselves to you for you to be able to start aligning with this super powered magnetism.

Speaker 2:

So we're going to take this slow, because I really want this to be something that sticks. Slow meaning it's going to be over a process of audios and then anything you have that you want to dive into more. We can do that on our call. So I'm going to give you, like, the steps that we're going to follow in these audios and then I'm going to have an activity exercise for you guys to do, okay, so first of all, I just want you to think why, why do you want to be magnetic? Really, think about what it is that you're wanting? Is it because you want more attention in your love life, in business? If you just want to be able to walk into a room and have everybody turn their heads towards you, offer you three things. Just figure out first where the desire is coming from. So I would really take, like you know, 10 minutes even to just like sit down and think why, what is it that you're wanting? I've actually been doing this it Girl hypnosis audio from my friend Caitlin. She's letting me test out a program and it has helped my magnetism a lot. I will tell you that.

Speaker 2:

And I've had recently people just like giving me money. And then I had this guy run up to me at the grocery store the other day. I had my son with me and I had a grocery and I had a shopping cart and I never leave my son in the car. So I was just going to park it next to my car, which was kind of far from the store, but I'm not going to leave my son in the car by himself. So this guy saw me and he like ran over and he's like oh, I'll take that cart for you. And then he reached out his hand. He's like hi, my name's so-and-so, I've seen you around here. I've never seen this guy. I just want to introduce myself Like those are the things that you'll start to notice, or upgrades, or like I'm here in Dubai. I'm a little tired today, so, but I really wanted to get this audio done for you guys, right?

Speaker 2:

So last night I was trying to go to sleep and get on Dubai time and I really did not feel like walking down, like I was already in my pajamas, like I didn't want to walk down to the hotel lobby and try to find Advil or ibuprofen. To the hotel lobby and try to find Advil or ibuprofen. My legs were cramping and my back hurt. You know it was just a long 15-hour flight. I was in like a premium seat but it still was not comfortable to like try to sleep in it. It was really nice. I flew Emirates and so I had like a foot rest and it reclined Still just not super comfortable for 15 hours, right. So I asked I have a butler here. So I asked my butler if there was any ibuprofen or Tylenol and you know I they ended up like bringing it to me while I was in bed and like those kinds of things just really make you feel magnetic right, like it's the little things where people are just going out of their way to help you, and so we can do this by reprogramming our thoughts and our beliefs, and that's what we're going to do in here.

Speaker 2:

So, after you figure out why you want to be magnetic, what we're going to do is to pull up a note on your app, or sorry is to pull up a note on your app, or sorry. Oh my gosh, can you tell I have a little bit of jet lag? Pull up your note app. That still sounded weird, but I know that's right and I want you to put the statement and I want you to pin this If you don't have a iPhone, I'm sure there's some kind of alternative to the notes app but write I am magnetic and I want you to either do it throughout the day, at the end of the day, at night or in the morning, but make sure you do this, even just one, even just one thing each day.

Speaker 2:

We have to reprogram this into your, into your mind. We have to reprogram this for you, but we also have to prove it to your brain, because the human brain loves proof. So, if we can prove that we're magnetic, our behavior, our thoughts, our actions will start to align with that right. So what I want you to do is write that in your note app and then think about your. I like to do it at the end of the day, because then it's like still kind of fresh in my mind, or if I remember throughout the day end of the day, because then it's like still kind of fresh in my mind, or if I remember throughout the day I'll write it. But I'll write down like, as an example I would write man at the grocery store rushed to help me with my grocery cart. This person sent me money today after they were like they were super frustrated with me. I thought I was gonna lose money, and they they ended up paying me, right. So I would write all of these things, and they can be super little.

Speaker 2:

Maybe you went to Starbucks and the barista smiled at you, right? Or maybe someone opened a door for you Whatever it is, no matter how small it is, it could be a bird flew by me and sung a little song, right? You have to prove it to your brain, though, that you're magnetic, for your mind and your body to start getting reprogrammed to this innate magnetism. But see where we can get stuck is. You know this is a very simple exercise, but still people struggle with doing simple exercises because it's new, it's a new task and, honestly, sometimes your ego will try to stop you from being your magnetic self because it doesn't feel familiar and your ego's job is to protect you, keep you safe. So it's not going to love the vibe of doing something new. So just keep that in mind.

Speaker 2:

Try to set a timer on your phone. Like if it were me, I would set a timer for like 8.30 PM. My kids are in bed. Like if it were me, I would set a timer for like 8.30 pm. My kids are in bed, lay in my bed for just literally a couple of minutes and write out the ways that I was magnetic. Even if it's just one thing per day, that's fine. I know it can feel overwhelming. I would recommend three to five examples of how you were magnetic that day, but if you can just do one, that's great. So then I want you to think about creating an alter ego, and I'll explain how I do this.

Speaker 2:

So in my intuition mastery program with Alessandro Giannetti, one of the things we do in level one is create an alter ego where we are the world's top intuitive right, and so part of my daily energy work is tapping into that version of me. It's still me, but it's like maybe a slightly future version of me, right? But I can access her now and the more that I access her, the more that she becomes me. So you want to notice like what is she wearing? My alter egos, for whatever reason. This is what popped up when I was creating her. It's like a black leather top and black leather pants and then like this really beautiful purple gemstone necklace and my hair is like up in a sleek ponytail, kind of like what Wonder Woman looks like. Yeah, that was kind of the vibe, and she has perfect posture and she's just like doesn't take any BS, right? She's not embarrassed, she people are running up to her. You are the best intuitive in the world. How can I work with you? Can I just put you on retainer? Oh, my gosh, nobody does things like you.

Speaker 2:

Like, literally, this is what I do in my mind every day, and so I was getting a little nervous before my flight to Dubai, leaving my kids. Just a very long flight over Canada, greenland and then a bunch of ocean. It's just well, I don't know creepy. And I even started thinking, well, maybe I shouldn't go. And even though my higher self was saying, yes, you need to go. Yes, this trip is you're going to be happy with this trip? Even though my higher self was like yes, you need to go on this trip.

Speaker 2:

So what I did is I tapped into my alter ego. I said what would she do? Would she go on this trip? And it was like hell, yeah, she'd go on this trip. Like she wouldn't even think twice about it, because we all have our passion hobby. My passion hobby, my top one, is travel, and it's hard when you're a single mom to like it's not, like I can go travel all the time, right?

Speaker 2:

And so this opportunity presented itself to me another way. I was magnetic. I've been wanting to come to Dubai for like years, and it's an all expense paid trip by an amazing client of mine. I am here to do work, but I am also here. I also have time to like do fun things. I'm about to go to the beach right now. You know, would I have been able to create this if I wasn't tapping into my magnetism? I don't think so. Like it's literally amazing. I'm staying at a five-star hotel.

Speaker 2:

So I started tapping into her and said would she be scared? No right, like that got me through it, to be honest, like that really helped me say yes to something that my ego, my fear, was starting to like. Drag me down a little bit. So find that alter ego like of yourself. Take a little time to see what is she or he wearing, what is their body language like, what are they saying yes to? How do people treat them? What are they saying yes to? How do people treat them? And just realize that is you right. You're channeling a higher version of yourself.

Speaker 2:

And as you go through your day, before you make decisions or if you start to feel like fear creeping, just think about what he or she would do. Just think about what she or he right now it's all ladies in here, so I keep. I usually say she, but just think about what she would do. Would she say yes? Would she say no? All of that. So I want you to start there. This is the beginning. This is only the beginning, but you will start to see if you're doing that simple exercise of every day, just noting how you are magnetic, even if it's just one.

Speaker 2:

But again, three to five is A plus head to tap into that public school vibe that will really start shifting not just your mind, your beliefs, your actions, but it will actually start shifting your creator field, which we've talked about in here as well, which is literally, you know, you are your own Truman show. You're handing the script to all the actors in your world, telling them how to treat you, and if you are starting to shift into that magnetic version of yourself that has been there all along, then that's how they're going to start treating you as well. So have fun with this. I will create another audio when I'm back from Dubai and I'm a little bit more rested. But yeah, I'm excited to hear all of your guys' shifts and the more that you can start noticing like the shifts too, like even maybe write that down or you can just message me or something like oh my God, this happened. That again will help you shift even faster. So, sending you guys so much love.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to Unveiled. I always love hearing your takeaways, so please connect with me on Instagram that, angela, marie, christian and feel free to tag me when you share it with your friends. Every single review matters and it helps me reach more people who want to improve this world. If you leave a review, let me know and I'll send you a little thank you gift. Any resources mentioned in the show will be linked in the show notes. Sending you all love. Bye.