Welcome to UNVEILED, the podcast designed for women ready to break free from the confines of societal expectations and rediscover their authentic selves.
I’m your host, Angela Marie Christian, Silicon Valley CFO turned intuitive, clinical hypnotherapist, and conscious mother.
If you've ever felt trapped by the roles imposed upon you—whether as a mother, a professional, or simply as a woman navigating life—this podcast offers a space to explore, heal, and transform. I was once deeply entrenched in the corporate world, checking all the boxes society told me to. But after realizing that true fulfillment comes from within, not from external achievements, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery that changed my life. Now, I’m here to guide you on your own path to empowerment.
We dive deep into conversations that strip away the layers of limiting beliefs and societal programming that have kept you from living a life of true sovereignty. Using neuroprogramming techniques such as ____, we explore how to rewire your mind, break old patterns, and embrace your innate power from within. These intimate conversations are more than just talks—they’re a catalyst for change, designed to energize and inspire you to take actionable steps toward your desires, goals, and dreams. Whether you’re a mother feeling unfulfilled, a single woman seeking more, or anyone looking to ignite that inner spark, UNVEILED is here to remind you of the incredible power you hold within. Join me weekly for conversations that feel like connecting with a close friend—conversations that will leave you inspired, empowered, and ready to unveil your true self.
Unveiled is a transformative space where women embark on a journey of self-discovery, mental wellness, and empowerment. If you’re struggling with anxiety, burnout, or feelings of overwhelm, this podcast is your guide to reclaiming your inner strength and breaking free from societal conditioning. As a mother, especially if you’re navigating life as a single mom, the pressure to meet every expectation can feel insurmountable. Here, we understand the weight of that burden, and we’re here to help you lift it.
Through intimate, connected conversations, we explore practical tools for managing anxiety, stress, and the exhaustion of burnout. You'll learn to challenge negative thoughts, dissolve limiting beliefs, and build unwavering self-confidence. We dive deep into mindfulness practices, cultivating self-love, and the power of neuroprogramming techniques to rewire your mindset. Each episode empowers you to embrace your true self, reclaim your sovereignty, and reignite the spark within that leads to a more fulfilled, purpose-driven life.
Whether you’re struggling to balance the demands of motherhood, work, and personal growth, or you’re on a path to healing and self-discovery, Unveiled offers a compassionate and supportive community. Here, we validate your experiences, nurture your resilience, and inspire you to take action toward your desires, goals, and dreams. Join us weekly to unveil your true self, transform your life, and step into your power.
Transforming Emotional Obstacles into Opportunities
What if your emotions were the key to unlocking a world of personal growth and transformation? Well..they are. ;-)
Join me as I explore the power of emotional mastery. With guidance from my intuitive teachers, Alessandro and Allie, I'll share how this concept has reshaped my approach to emotional intelligence and inspired my mission to help others reclaim their power.
Discover how taking radical responsibility for our emotions can transform obstacles into opportunities, fostering deeper connections and a more harmonious life. From managing triggering emails with grace to changing deeply rooted family dynamics, emotional mastery becomes a powerful catalyst for change, ultimately enhancing our well-being and creative potential.
Embracing emotional intelligence goes beyond personal gain—it's about creating a ripple effect that can improve our world. Together, we'll unravel the journey of overcoming trauma and self-destructive behaviors, and the liberation that comes with it.
Connect with me on Instagram to share your experiences, and consider joining my membership vault for even deeper transformation.
Resources mentioned:
Unveiled - The Club
The Source Understanding of Cheating & Stopping It
Understanding the Laws of Reflections
Join Unveiled - The Club - here.
Get in my new program: Clean BDE here.
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Purchase my best selling book (Manifestation Mastery) here.
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Welcome to Unveiled the podcast. I'm your host, angela Christian, and I help you with unveiling your true self by peeling away the layers that society placed on you. I do this with a combination of neuroscience, energetics and ancient spiritual wisdom. I went from underpaid and overworked in corporate America to launching a six-figure company that continues to grow. I went from toxic relationships to being happy and single for over a year as I worked and continue to work on becoming the best version of myself, and so much more. My greatest passion is to help women and mothers heal, transform and become the highest versions of themselves. Heal, transform and become the highest versions of themselves. As I continue to grow and expand my intuitive knowledge and unique wisdom, I'll be including you on my journey to millions, so let's get into it.
Speaker 2:Hello and welcome back to the show. Today we are going to talk about something super important. Today we are going to talk about something super important, which is emotional mastery, and that is also the focus right now in my membership. So, as of right now, I've released the first audio. Today I will be releasing the second audio, or at least finalizing it. The plan is to record it and release it as well.
Speaker 2:I'm also sharing these emotional techniques inside Clean BDE because it is just so important for us to have mastery over our emotions, especially with where the world is heading right now. We are going to very likely see a lot of disruption very soon and a lot of chaos, so having emotional mastery will actually help you survive and thrive. So I've shared some of this on Instagram, but about 90% of the world does not have emotional mastery. Unfortunately, this wasn't something that we were taught as children and this is not something that we're taught in school. I hope someday it will be something that's taught in school. I certainly teach my kids emotional mastery. So emotional mastery is literally the key to controlling your life and to controlling others. And yes, that's right. I said that we can control our life and the way people respond to us, and this is because our emotions are actually our biggest power, if we know how to use them. It's how we create. It's what makes humans and earth so special. So if you don't have control over your emotions, do you think you're going to create the life of your dreams? No, okay. So my two intuitive teachers, alessandro and Aliie and I'll post their information in the show notes have explained it in a way that just like really clicked for me, and I'm hoping this will click for you as well. So we are essentially all living in our own Truman Show. So if you haven't watched the Truman Show, definitely go watch it. Basically, he's living in a world he doesn't know that everybody has scripts on how to talk to him, how to treat him. So we are each literally living in our own Truman Show, and what hands out the scripts is our electromagnetic field, our EMF, also known as our creator field. So our creator field hands out scripts to others on how to treat us, how to talk to us. All of that based on how we're treating ourselves, based on our emotions, our thoughts, our beliefs and our in the eight areas of life. And the eight areas of life are mental, physical, spiritual, social, family, financial, vocation and passion, hobby. So we need to have emotional mastery in all of them, and that's what I'm teaching in my membership this month. I'm also going to start releasing.
Speaker 2:This came to me yesterday and I was like, ah, such a great idea, and I'll tell you why it came to me in a second. But I realized okay, so my membership is basically going to be like a vault a vault where you can come in, you can start reprogramming all of your childhood beliefs, you can clear emotional pain, you can learn emotional mastery, you can learn how to be magnetic. So, basically, when you're paying right now, it's $77 a month, or you get a discount if you pay for the year. So you're basically getting access to so much of my training. I really should be charging more, but I feel good with 77 right now a month. I do have live calls at the moment, but I might be switching that up a little bit based on some factors, so I'm still deciding on that. I might just have it like once a quarter, or I might do a different style of check-in. So, right now, though, you could go in there and you could start reprogramming your beliefs, your thoughts, clearing pain, like I literally will delete emotional pain for you.
Speaker 2:And what I realized is like last month I did on magnetism. So I shared how to step into your most magnetic self, which is actually your authentic self. But then I also gave people ingredients on how to do that, because everything in this world requires ingredients. If you want to be a millionaire, that requires very specific ingredients. In the same way that you know if we're making pumpkin muffins. If I had everything except the pumpkin to add in, then they wouldn't be pumpkin muffins, right, they would just be regular muffins. So everything that you desire has ingredients. And so for the magnetism training last month, which is, you know, if you join the club, the vault, whatever I'm going to call it month, which is, you know, if you join the club, the vault, whatever I'm going to call it, the membership, you'll get access to that. But I'm going to actually start selling those as single masterclasses too. So stay tuned for that. And then you can kind of just like purchase it, feel it out and then, if you like it, it would make more sense for you to join the membership, because you get all of these masterclasses as part of your $77 a month.
Speaker 2:Anyway, so, backing up, I was feeling really blocked on how to manage my creative business right. My coaching program, my audio programs. This is my passion and my vocation. But I've been so inundated with CFO work and so yesterday, at a check-in call with Alessandro, I'd had a migraine all day. I had taken so much ibuprofen I was worried I had taken too much. I took Tylenol. I was sitting in the dark, I had the window open. I went on a walk, I drank a ton of water. I was like God, what is happening? I thought, okay, I'm being hard on myself and that's why this is showing up, because a lot of times headaches can be that you're putting too much pressure on yourself. Well, I didn't check intuitively, which I normally do, and I just kind of was like didn't check intuitively, which I normally do, and I just kind of was like, okay, whatever, I'll just, you know, get through it.
Speaker 2:So during our check-in, which was in our financial mastery two class, he asked me how are you doing? And I was like I've had this migraine all day. And he looked in and he said and I said I know I'm being too hard on myself. And he's like no-transcript RRT tools and techniques. Sometimes we have our own blind spots right. So I always go into anything with a beginner's mind. I never just assume I know everything. I love learning, I am a seeker, and so as soon as he said that, he said you feel like you're spending too much on your CFO, spending too much time on your CFO work and not on your coaching programs and your coaching business, and I was like 100%. So then we talked about how I can scale back on my CFO work without compromising you know, the quality and all of that.
Speaker 2:As soon as we had that discussion and I knew what was happening and I knew and this is key that I created it, I was just like my migraine disappeared and then I went home and I had all of these ideas come through. I was literally blocking myself. And that's what. That's what majority of people are doing and they're not realizing it right. So that's why I feel so passionate about emotional mastery, and the first step is acknowledging I created this, I create everything, because actually, when you say that, it opens your creator field and I was reminded of that piece of it this morning when I was listening to Alessandro's latest podcast. I will link it in the show notes. It is an amazing podcast, like, definitely go listen to that. If you haven't listened to his podcast before, though, you can listen to it, but then go back and start at the beginning, because his podcasts build upon each other. So you go back and start at the beginning, because his podcasts build upon each other, so you do want to start at the beginning.
Speaker 2:So this month, what I'm teaching inside the membership are specific steps that you can tap into, such as I'll give you. The first one is the second. You feel triggered, engage your five senses so immediately, and since I've been taking my emotional mastery to a whole new level, I have had so many opportunities Some people would call them obstacles. I call them opportunities to practice these techniques. In the last two weeks it's been or maybe three weeks. It's been like crazy the last three weeks, but I keep leaning in, because as soon as you get through enough obstacles and you really master it, then your obstacles actually will reduce. So I want to get through these obstacles so that the obstacles will be reduced significantly. Right, so I'm learning it. My higher self is excited, all of that, so she's giving me a lot to practice with. I'll give you some examples. But two weeks ago I got an email from someone business-wise in my CFO business and it really set me off and I can't remember if I talked about it on the podcast. I definitely talked about it in my membership.
Speaker 2:But immediately I could feel my brain or sorry, the blood draining from my brain going into my limbs to run, because I have in the past I've had an avoidant type of behavior when it comes to emotions or conflict or anything like that, like I want to run most of the time. Once, once in a while, if you catch me on a certain day, I'll want to like lean in and more of a fight response versus flight, but majority of the time it used it was like flight, so I could feel it. I started shaking. I was like, okay, engage my five senses. So I immediately was like what do I smell? What do I see, what do I? As soon as you do that, it's almost like you're bringing your body back to earth, because I feel like when I go into flight mode, I'm like I'm going to be, like I'm going to be, like I'm going to be, like I'm going to be. I'm not even like. I feel like my body's not even here.
Speaker 2:It's very weird explanation, but what's actually happening is your brain is not firing in the way that you'd want it to, right? Because let me just ask you this If you are going to have, like, a discussion with someone, do you think it would be in your benefit to have access to more logic? Yes, more intuition? Yes, creativity, yes, wisdom, yes, all of that, right, you can't do that if you're in fight or flight. It's not possible, because the blood is literally getting diverted to the limbs to run fast, or to the jaw to bite through flesh, and neither of those are helpful, right, it's a primal response that we all have. But you can manage it, and once you do these techniques that I'm teaching, like even just seven times, it'll actually become automatic, and I noticed this well back to that.
Speaker 2:So her email came through. I immediately felt the blood draining and I engaged my five senses. I actually went outside, I went on a walk, I shook it off and then I followed the other techniques which I'm teaching right now inside my membership, and then you will be able to purchase the emotional mastery masterclass. I'll put the audios together and just make it a masterclass, so you'll be able to purchase that separately if you would just want to test out the membership. But you can. The membership you can purchase for a month and cancel right away if you buy month to month, right?
Speaker 2:So anyway, getting back to this, when I first saw this going on autopilot was when my son sometimes he goes through periods of time where he will sleep through the night Other times for whatever reason. Well, actually I know the reason. So our kids, when they're like up to about age six, seven, they actually are reflections for us. They're actually helping us. So when my son is acting out in some way, I know it's a reflection for me. Our kids are actually helping us in that way, and the poor kids always get in so much trouble and it's really actually not their fault. They're reflecting us, they're co-regulating with us, and so when he's off, I know there's something in me that's off and he's helping me. So, like I can't wait until parents know this all over the world, because there'll be a lot less violence, that's for sure, anyway.
Speaker 2:So he woke me up probably like four times and I was basically awake from 1 am to 3 am with him. I kept trying to sneak out of his room and then he would cry and, like at first, I started to get frustrated. For about 30 seconds, I started to feel super frustrated and then I started following the techniques that I teach and it just happened automatically and I was like, whoa, okay. So it felt so good because immediately one of the things is to get yourself back to the present moment and notice how Source is in everything. And so he was like counting or doing something weird in the middle of the night and I love he's still. You know, he just turned five and his way of saying 13 is 14. And the way he says it is so cute and that just like brought me to the present moment and I just smiled and I was like he's never gonna be this age again. He just wants me right now. He was just reflecting my emotions and I just hugged him tighter and then, sure enough, he fell asleep and I was able to sneak out of the room, go back to my room.
Speaker 2:But it's really cool when you can see this start to kick in automatically, because your brain actually gets it, actually likes it, and your higher self would be very excited too. So a lot of positives here and so, by simply starting to notice like any obstacles that you encounter, look at them as opportunities, even though they don't feel like it. I know they feel like opportunities to me now, but, like at first, it was a little bit hard to get on first with that, but I was like, okay, let's, let's go, because I want to master this Right. So just say like I created this, I created this. The woman who I was having an issue with, I 100% created it. It's either an issue with your creator field or it's some kind of like soul contract or soul lesson happening. So I know one of my reoccurring soul lessons to learn is to be more confident and stand up for myself. And so with her, I was doing it a little bit, but my higher self was like nope, you need to do it 100%. And once I did it 100%, I was good and I actually ended up walking away with extra money from that situation.
Speaker 2:But if I had allowed my emotions to take over, I would have responded back in a way that would not have ended well. And what's crazy is that when I first saw her email, she said something in it that triggered me and I completely distorted what she had actually said. So thank God, I actually engaged my five senses. I walked away, thought about it, came back and reread her email again and I was like, oh, that's not what she said, that's not that bad. And then I still didn't respond. I was like you know what I'm going to? What I did is I pull up a voice note on my on my phone Wait, yeah, a voice note on my phone and I just said everything. I wanted to say, everything I was feeling, because it is really important to address it once.
Speaker 2:One of the other issues which I'll be getting into in the third audio of Emotional Mastery is people tend to go around and repeat the same story over and over again, like can you believe this happened to me, oh my God. And each time you tell the story and allow your emotions to click in, you're actually rewiring that story into other parts of your brain, which is what we do not want. Okay, so you have to address something within 48 hours, some kind of emotional incident within 48 hours, for it to not affect you health-wise and to not affect your creator field, which is how you manifest and create everything. So it's really important to have techniques in place to address emotions and obstacles or opportunities as they arise, and we don't want to go around telling a bunch of people the same story. So what I do is I get a voice note open and so I just say whatever I want to say into the voice note, instead of emotionally dumping on someone else, because it's not good for me to emotionally dump on someone and it's not good for them either. So just remember that. But I know the culture that we've been living in. It's all about like well, this happened to me, oh my gosh, and like telling everybody that this actually doesn't do you any good. So just, I got it out in a voice note.
Speaker 2:I went to bed. I think I even sat yeah, I sat and I typed out everything I wanted to say that I wouldn't have actually sent. I went to bed, I woke up, I reread her email and then I even noticed other things that I had distorted. Right, because I was seeing it through a certain lens. I was allowing my emotions to control the situation. So after I read it in the morning, I was like, wow, she didn't say any of the things I actually thought she said and it really wasn't that bad of an email. So I got myself into this whole emotional tizzy over something that was like not even true. So I responded in a calm way and then we're able to resolve the issue right. So it takes a little bit of practice Like that was.
Speaker 2:That took me longer than it would take now but you do just have to go through creating it as a habit, right, and sometimes if it's someone in your family, for example, that you've had the same issues with over the years, like I, have a family member who has no like emotional skills, isn't really in touch with their emotions or feelings and has horrible communication skills, and this family member loves to just like attack other people. There was an attempt last night to attack me and normally I would have just been like because it's frustrating when you've been dealing with it right for a long time. But with these new tools in place, I was able to look at it with more empathy and also just respond simply like you know what, I'll talk to you tomorrow, and that just felt really good. Because what happens is when we're emotionally triggered, we say things we don't mean right, and sure we can apologize for that later, but nobody ever actually forgets what was said right. So you can't go back in time and erase hurtful things that you might have said, and I used to be the queen of saying really mean things in heated moments. So emotional mastery will help you in every area of your life. So I've given you some examples with business, with family. So I'll give you one more example here, and this one might be a little triggering for people.
Speaker 2:Alessandro did talk about this on his podcast and this is what I teach inside Clean BDE as well. That's why Clean BDE is not for everyone, like I've talked about this before. But people who just want to blame their exes, that clean BD will not be for them, because some of these ideas are hard for people to wrap their brain around, because it's not how we were taught. But I will tell you, if you look at the way that our school system was set up, it was to make everybody the same. It was for everybody to be. You know, it was for conformity, not for creativity and kids like my son, who's very intelligent, highly, highly intelligent, but has trouble focusing on boring things. You know, what do doctors and teachers want to do, or a lot of them they want to medicate kids to make their lives easier, right? So they don't have to deal with these creative, intelligent kids. And so, anyway, getting back to this with relationships, so if you want a great example on how this all works with relationships. Definitely check out Alessandro's podcast, because he talks about cheating, like why people cheat and how it's actually. Again, we create everything right.
Speaker 2:So for me, I didn't have an issue with people cheating on me. I had an issue with people abusing me, and so this is where it can get a little triggering, because I am all about radical responsibility. I like the idea of me being in control of creating everything and affecting how people treat me, because if then I have all the power, and so do you right. So it took me time, though, to come around to this idea. It can definitely be triggering for people. But I saw this quote the other day that said you'll inspire some people, you'll trigger others. Both are medicine, and I really liked that, because it's true, I might trigger someone, but then they'll be in the back of their mind. It's planted a seed right, and that might be what they needed to start shifting.
Speaker 2:And so, if you look back between the ages of five to seven, like there might have been a situation where you were treated in a certain way or you felt like you weren't good enough or whatever. For me, I was very much like I loved in the spotlight, but I was. I was basically told I was too much and like you can see it on family home videos, not that they were trying to say I wasn't good enough, but I had two brothers and a sister and so like I would want to hog all of the home videos and like dance and sing, and they were like Angela, like they would get frustrated and just be like let your siblings have a chance, you know, and there were other examples like that and so basically I started to feel like, oh, I'm too much. And then I went the opposite way, where I became so shy. People thought I was like a snob, but I wasn't. I was just like incredibly shy. I was also told at a very young age that by my mom that my dad didn't want me as a child. So I knew this. Between ages five and seven I knew this. So what do you think that put in my creator field that you know my brothers were from a different mom. Then my mom got pregnant with me. My dad had told her he didn't want to have any more kids, so they separated. She was, she raised me until I was like three and a half and then they got back together and decided to have my sister. So what do you think that told me? Right, like I felt like I was the only one that wasn't planned, that I wasn't fully loved. That wasn't true. But as a child that's what I gathered and so that's what I put in my creator field.
Speaker 2:I was also really hard on myself. I wanted to be special in some way to make up for that. What I looked at as a deficit. Right, even though it wasn't so. I was incredibly academic and I would be hard on myself if I didn't get straight A's. I also developed an eating disorder in the seventh grade where I would only allow myself to eat saltine crackers and diet 7-up. It created all kinds of health issues and nobody knew I was doing this. So I became very hard on the way that I looked. I decided I want to be a supermodel, like Cindy Crawford and Christy Turlington. Right, because usually what happens is we want. Right, because usually what happens is we want. We have those kinds of goals because we want to be special, because we didn't feel special. So we think, oh, if I'm a supermodel, then I'll be special, then people will notice me and then people will love me. But it actually needs to shift from within right.
Speaker 2:So from seventh grade, I was abusing my body. I was anorexic. I started partying and drinking in seventh grade. So from seventh grade on until I started learning all of this about a decade ago, I was really hard on my body. I abused my body and then I'd feel bad about it and I would be abusive to myself. So this is what was in my creator field for a very, very long time. And so when there's a piece, when there's something that makes you feel like you aren't whole or aren't good enough, this is going to attract people into your life that will treat you the way that you've been treating yourself.
Speaker 2:And so I was constantly beating myself up, but, like in relationships, in terms of relationships, I would cheat on my boyfriends. All the time. I was actually the cheater. It came from low confidence. It came from feeling like, well, that I couldn't trust anyone, that I felt like people were going to leave anyway. So who cares? Obviously not healthy, and so, but then I would cheat on them. But then I would feel really bad about it and I would beat myself up. So for years beating myself up, I would get drunk, I would do things I didn't want to hear about the next day. I would be embarrassed. I would beat myself up, like so what do you think I'm going to attract? I'm handing out the scripts to people, right? So I'm beating myself up. What are other people going to do? I'm handing them a script to beat me up, whether it's emotionally, verbally or physically. I mean, not all of the relationships I was in was there like abuse, but in several, and enough to where it was like okay, I am the common denominator here. So I'm going to take responsibility for creating all of this. And guess what, after I did the work and fully took radical responsibility for the energetic, emotional, spiritual pieces of it, I stopped attracting abusers, right. So to me that is super empowering because that gives you all of the control.
Speaker 2:So these were just some examples and inside I give like step-by-step techniques on how to utilize these emotional mastery skills and then you can ask me any question you want. You can give me an example of like here. I was in this situation on the next live call. We will have a live call in November and I will help you out there. So I just wanted to share this because it has been huge for my life. I used to have a lot of negative memories swirling around and I've had the opportunity to clear a lot of them with these skills, because what I am teaching in the emotional mastery piece in both programs isn't just about current emotions, it's also about past emotions.
Speaker 2:So what's great about both programs is the first, I would call, phase is all about getting you out of fight or flight, because you can't really start doing this more advanced stuff until you are out of fight or flight, right? She was on my podcast, I was on hers, so in her book it's all about money wounds. I highly recommend it. I'll link it in the show notes. One thing I noticed that she wrote in her book was that she hadn't experienced what we would call big T trauma, right. So it made me realize I would have never been able to even look at clearing money beliefs and all of that until I got out of fight or flight, until I cleared my trauma, cleared the emotional pain around trauma. So she and I are working on a collaboration where I'm going to do the first piece, which is helping clear the trauma, and then she'll come in and teach the money belief piece. So that's still something we're going to be talking about that I'm really excited about, because, you know, my clients are all women, most of them mothers, and so I'm all about empowering the mother.
Speaker 2:And a lot of very highly intelligent women have been in these abusive relationships, right, and it's because highly intelligent women, ambitious women, tend to beat themselves up, so it makes total sense, right. But then once we can just step into that responsibility of I create everything in my life, then we can shift it. And it's not about excusing the behavior it's still not okay, of course but then you're taking your power back by saying, okay, no more, and now I'm going to shift this and not attract this into my life, right? So I was listening to Nikki Moriarty I think that's how you say his last name um podcast the other day, and I'll link it in the show notes as well. But he gave such a good example. He was talking about the law of reflections. So if you want to know more about that, this episode isn't about law of reflections. So if you want to know more about that, this episode isn't about law of reflections Go listen to his podcast episode on it.
Speaker 2:But what I loved and this kind of plays into what we're talking about today, because it's all about how we treat ourselves, right. So the example he gave was if you're looking at yourself in the mirror, let's say you're standing in front of a full-length mirror and you want your reflection to wave its hand around, how do you get your reflection to wave its hand around? Well, you have to wave your hand around, right for your reflection to wave it around unless you're a magician, I guess. And so let's say you want your reflection to do jumping jacks, how are you going to get your reflection to do jumping jacks? You have to do them, right. And so now let's say the mirror is taken away and in its place is someone standing there in front of you. So let's say the rules apply in the same way as the mirror, right? So let's say I want you to make this person put you first. What would you have to do? You would have to put yourself first.
Speaker 2:It all starts with us and the way that we treat ourselves, the way that others treat us. So practice the engaging in the five senses. Notice how this is happening for you, right? Because everything that happens in your life was planned by your higher self to get you to your sole goal. So everybody has a sole goal. Someone's sole goal might be to write a book that changes like the entire financial system. Or someone's sole goal might be to be president and like, change something about the world. These three baby daddies in my head that was all to get me to a sole goal of.
Speaker 2:Well, I'm not at my sole goal quite yet, but I'm definitely on my way there and as long as you keep moving forward towards your sole goal, there's nothing you can do that will make it so that you don't reach it. As long as you keep moving forward and the more that you can actually see everything as opportunity, the faster you can actually get to your sole goal. So I know this was a lot today. There's a lot to take in. If you have any questions, please reach out. I'd love to hear anything you put into practice and any like anything you see from doing so. So I would love to see this world have emotional mastery, emotional intelligence, because it's really at a point where we need this to survive as a species, and it starts with us. It starts by saying I created this and I'm going to change it right. So sending you guys so much love.
Speaker 1:Thank you for listening to Unveiled. I always love hearing your takeaways, so please connect with me on Instagram that, angela, marie, christian and feel free to tag me when you share it with your friends. Every single review matters and it helps me reach more people who want to improve this world. If you leave a review, let me know and I'll send you a little thank you gift. Any resources mentioned in the show will be linked in the show notes. Sending you all love. Bye.