
Energy Leak Alert: 3 Signs You Need to Reclaim Your Power

Angela Christian Season 3 Episode 135

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A discussion on recognizing the unseen drains on your energy (and how to spot them).

• Signs that indicate you may be leaking energy
• The impact of emotional imbalance on energy levels
• Strategies to close energetic cords with others
• Understanding the importance of soul balance
• Emotional mastery as a tool for controlling energy
• Announcement of an upcoming mini masterclass (waitlist here).

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Unveiled the podcast. I'm your host, angela Christian, and I help you with unveiling your true self by peeling away the layers that society placed on you. I do this with a combination of neuroscience, energetics and ancient spiritual wisdom. I went from underpaid and overworked in corporate America to launching a six-figure company that continues to grow. I went from toxic relationships to being happy and single for over a year as I worked and continue to work on becoming the best version of myself, and so much more. My greatest passion is to help women and mothers heal, transform and become the highest versions of themselves. Heal, transform and become the highest versions of themselves. As I continue to grow and expand my intuitive knowledge and unique wisdom, I'll be including you on my journey to millions, so let's get into it.

Speaker 2:

Hello, welcome back to Unveiled. I'm so happy to be back. My kids and I got hit with influenza A and I almost made it out without getting it, but then I had an emotional situation that got the better of me and that opened me up to be an energetic match to getting it. However, there's many reasons why I'm actually glad I got it, which is a whole different topic. But today we are going to talk about three signs that you're leaking energy and how to seal the leaks for good. So, in case you're new here, I like to just cut through the noise and get straight to what actually works when it comes to healing things at the root, because what our society has been using for healing tools are very outdated. They weren't necessarily created to make shifts quickly and permanently, right? So if you think about therapy, for example, which I went to for over a decade trying to clear severe domestic abuse, and I would feel worse every time, I would go because it just opens up a wound and then you know you're talking about it, you're talking about it, then the sessions over, you leave and that wound is still open. Right, because therapists traditional therapists aren't trained to actually close the wound and just like pull out the root. Pull out the root, close the wound right. So that just was not efficient. And if you know me at all, you know I'm all about efficiency. Like I am a single mom of three, I don't have time to waste. Like I am a single mom of three, I don't have time to waste. So I will find the most efficient way to do anything, and what I found was what I'm going to share with you guys today being the most efficient way. And I had a client come to me who literally had 10 days, 10 days and she had to go face her ex in court on live television. She came to me I didn't know her, she was referred by someone else and I was like, oh my gosh, okay, here we go. Like I'm gonna find out if I can really do this in 10 days, and I did, and she is like on a different trajectory Now. She even told me like she feels better in all areas of life, which is what this work does. I very much talk about healing trauma with our exes and all of that, but what I don't share, just because I don't want to confuse people and make it more complicated, is that when you clear these unconscious tabs running in the background. It actually frees up energy in all areas of life, right? And that's what I noticed when I started healing with these modalities. And it was just of life, right, and that's what I noticed when I started healing with these modalities, and it was just such a life changer and that's why I'm so passionate about it.

Speaker 2:

So sign number one is that you keep thinking about someone. It can be an ex, it can be an old friend that you cut ties with, and it's and I'm going to give a personal example here and it's usually someone like you don't even want anything to do with them, but they just keep popping into your head. Right, and I kind of talked about this last episode when I was talking about how people cored into us and all of that. But what happens and I had this recently I found myself thinking about an ex who was very toxic and I wasn't thinking like, oh, I want to be with them. I was thinking more of, like the situations that bothered me were popping up. And then I was like, why am I thinking about about him? Okay, let me sit and dive in and I realized he had corded back into me. I had already done the energetic cord cutting with him.

Speaker 2:

But the one that I teach is very powerful and the other person will often feel a shift, even though they don't know what it is. But it might spark like oh, and then they'll think about you because all of a sudden they realize unconsciously that that cord is no longer in place, because energetic cords do not expire. So even if you had a relationship with someone 15 years ago and it was traumatic, or even if it wasn't traumatic, there is very likely a cord. And why that is an energy leak is because when we're in relationships with people, we exchange energy right, and so they get pieces of our soul, we get pieces of their soul. We cannot fully heal unless we have all of our soul pieces back. So that's why it's so important to do these energetic cord cutting exercises, and I actually did my own. I listened to my own audio, which is kind of funny last night and did the energetic cord cutting with him and I'm good. So that is a very it's a very common way that we're leaking energy. This can just be happening in the background. I'm just very aware of my thoughts and like what I'm focusing on, because there is an energetic, universal, spiritual law called the law of focus. I'm very aware of what I'm focusing on and if it's not helpful, then I know it's a leak somewhere, so I cleared that.

Speaker 2:

I also did some other things to clear with him, which was neutralizing the situation that I was thinking about, which is the very last interaction I had with him. It was very troubling and my child was there. So I kept thinking about that and I noticed that I was feeling guilty, and guilt does not serve us. As you know, if you've listened to any of my podcasts or if you're in my programs, guilt does not serve us. So what I did was I neutralized the situation and I looked at all the positives, all the negatives, right, and sometimes it can be really hard, but I've done this for a while now, so it's become pretty easy. It's like okay, well, the positive was that finally got me to cut contact with him when I knew he was an energy vampire. I knew he was messing with dark forces, and yet I kept going back to him because I didn't understand that it was because there was a cord there, right. And so there's always positives and negatives to all situations. You can find them. I promise I have found them in really difficult situations. So I neutralized it and then I cut the energetic cord.

Speaker 2:

So, because that specific memory was popping up, that was my higher self, my unconscious, showing me hey, you still have a little bit of work to do here like healing work. My unconscious was still thinking it was an active threat to me and my child, so that that tab was staying open and it was running in the background. And so while that's happening, your nervous system won't turn off because it thinks that it's going to happen, it just happened or it's about to happen. And then when you add in the energy field being tangled with theirs, it just keeps you in this really negative loop. And we weren't taught this stuff. Right, I had to learn this and luckily I've had so many experiences, so many relationships that you know I've practiced this with, and it completely clears the issues. So until you're fully clear of that connection, they will keep popping up in your mind uninvited. And then if you find, like maybe a month down the road, something reminds me of that situation, right, it's going to get less and less triggering. And then I'll just know okay, I need to cut the cord again. Usually you only have to cut that. Cut the cord with this specific process because it's very advanced. Usually only have to do that three times and then they won't. They'll just like leave you alone. But here's the thing that I did a post yesterday Healing isn't just about moving on. You literally have to reset your system and this is with your unconscious mind. This is your nervous system. This is energetically right. If you don't do that, it's just like my example on social media was.

Speaker 2:

If you broke your leg, how would you feel going to a doctor and they said, well, let's just talk about it and maybe it'll heal. You know, let's just talk about it until it heals. You would be like what? No, yet that's what we do with therapists, right? Or if your doctor told you okay, just from now on, really set boundaries, do not go near stairs. Like, set boundaries with stairs and avoid them. Like again, you would not find that helpful. Or if they said like, let's just really think positively, let's do some affirmations and hope that your bones realign. Like none of that would be helpful, right, yeah, that's how we treat trauma, that's how we treat all of this in traditional settings, and it's out with the old like that is the outdated way to treat all of this.

Speaker 2:

So number two, the second sign, if you have an second sign that you have an energy leak is if you feel like you're dealing with one crisis after another. So let's say, your child wakes up sick, you're behind on work and then your ex sends you a text that, like, makes your heart start to race. Then, just as you think like, okay, things are calming down, then your car breaks down or an unexpected bill pops up. Like if you think to yourself, I cannot catch a break, if you think that, then you have an energy leak. Now this leak can be several different things and if you're in my programs, I might have talked about on my podcast, but there's something called reflections, which is when your soul is out of balance In a specific area of life.

Speaker 2:

There are eight areas of life. When your soul is out of balance, you will start to see reflections in, typically, the area that you care about most. So for a lot of people right now, that's financial right. So if you're seeing a lot of financial issues popping up, that's because in one of the other seven areas of life you are out of balance, which just means you're not making it a priority, and I, in my membership. I think it was last month I went over how to balance all eight areas of life I think it was the month before which can be done. So when you're balanced in all eight areas of life, the reflections won't be as severe. They'll never go away, because reflections are actually here to help us and I've started looking at them as like helpful, little obstacles.

Speaker 2:

Right, because the and the sooner that you catch it, this is really key. So, for example, if you are drinking coffee and your favorite like shirt or dress and you spill a drop of coffee, that's probably like a level three reflection. The level one reflection might have been spilling a drop of water on your shirt. Okay. So when we pay attention to these reflections earlier and say, okay, where am I out of balance, where am I being emotional, all of that right, and start to catch it at the earlier stages, we won't get hit with these level 10 reflections. Right, and you can shift them, even if, for example, I got a notice last week that I owed $8,000 to my oldest daughter's college tuition, which the week before I had only owed $1,300. So I was like, okay, this is definitely a reflection. I took the time, I shifted a lot. I checked yesterday magically back down to $1,300. Okay, so this really works.

Speaker 2:

You just have to understand how it works and then be very aware of what's happening and noticing anything that kind of triggers you stopping and just being like, okay, where am I out of balance? Like, I explained how to do this in my programs. I'm not going to get into it on the podcast, but so if you're being hit with all of these reflections, just know that there's definitely an energy leak or there's an emotional issue that you're not addressing, because, as physical beings right now right, if you're listening to this you're likely a physical being we have emotions and they can be a blessing, but they can also be a curse, until you understand how to master them, which is why I have a whole program called Unbothered, which is about emotional mastery, because emotions one feelings from other people unless you're aware and you know how to raise your frequency of emotion before you go into a public setting, for example or this is what I'm addressing in my membership this month is how to have relationships with people and not allow them to set you off and trigger your emotions. And all of that Because this, again, is something we don't talk about. And so, one, if you're a high frequency being, you're going to be more likely to catch other people's feelings if you're unaware of how to protect yourself energetically. But two, because you're a higher frequency being, you can also control the emotions in the room if you have emotional mastery.

Speaker 2:

But the thing is most people don't. And what's sad is like. If you think back in childhood I can recall this, like my mom crying. She was upset. I would go over to her mom what's wrong, Are you sad? And her not wanting to put everything on me, she would say no, no, honey, I'm fine. So what do you think that teaches us? That confuses the hell out of kids, right? Like, wait what she's crying? Doesn't that mean she's sad? And then we're surprised that we don't know how to label our emotions, right? So even when you think that you're not emotional about something, you likely are.

Speaker 2:

And here's the thing when you are like 15% or higher emotional, your intuition is going to be messed up. So you're not even going to be able to rely on your intuition because you're going to be too emotional. And this is where, like being trained in intuition and not just intuition, but I am trained in scientifically precise intuition. This is literally what I do for my clients is I can tell where they're out of balance in what area of life and how to shift it. Like that is what I do for my clients and for myself, right? So If you're dealing with crisis after crisis, then this means you're dealing with a lot of reflections, because you are emotional about things you don't even know, because you're out of balance because maybe you have some of these unconscious tabs running in the background that need to be closed which is what I do as well and your energy field could be super wide open without you knowing, and that makes you more susceptible to low frequency issues what I also call dark forces, dark energy, right, because just like there's light in this world, there is dark, and when we're emotional, that makes us vulnerable to dark forces.

Speaker 2:

That is a huge thing, and that's when, once I learned that I was like oh, I am getting my emotions under control because I have noticed and it's not just negative emotions, it's also if you're like, way on the high end. So it's really about having emotional balance, because what happens is, if they see a little window where you're angry or fearful and you don't shift it, they can get in and start messing with your mind. They can make you feel like God, what's the point of even living, like I know now, because I'll catch myself like thinking what's the point or something, and then I'm like, oh, I got a dark force. I have to go clear that, which, again, I teach that in my programs. Huge thing that I check for every single day and I clear myself, I clear my kids. So we need to be resetting our nervous system, we need to be clearing these unconscious tabs running in the background and we need to become emotionally balanced and then you will stop feeling like life is one chaotic moment after another.

Speaker 2:

So sign number three is you're waking up feeling exhausted, no matter how much sleep you get. Maybe you sleep for a full eight hours, but you're still waking up feeling exhausted. Maybe you start your day like you feel like you're already running on empty right, like no amount of sleep ever replenishes you. This can be several reasons. One you can have unconscious tabs running in the background while you sleep. If you're in fight or flight, you are not going to be in your heal and reset program of the body, right? So the parasympathetic system isn't going to be functioning. So you're not going to feel rested. Your nervous system will be like working overtime all night long. Another reason is we can have lovely energetic attacks on us during the night.

Speaker 2:

So one thing for me when this was happening, when I realized this was a huge issue for me, is when I was getting eight hours of sleep and I'm someone who loves to get up at like 5am, have my coffee, start doing things when I was feeling tired after a full night's sleep, I knew there was something happening and I was given this very advanced sleep protection and it has changed my life, my child's life. So every night I put the sleep protection on myself, I put it on him. Last night I actually fell asleep before I put it on him and he woke up with a nightmare. So it 100% works. And so what was happening? And I've talked about this in other episodes but if you're above a certain frequency, your soul actually leaves your body and goes up to the astral realm at night and while there you can get energetic attacks. Now, typically, only ascended masters would be the ones whose soul should be leaving at night and going up to the astral. If you're not an ascended master and you're going up there, then you're not going to feel rested and there are solutions to keep your soul in your body at night. Again, I go into all of this in my Light it Up program. Might sound very wild to people who aren't familiar with you know the dark energy world. One other thing I'll add here is that when you become emotionally balanced, if you're a parent, this will have a really positive effect on your child.

Speaker 2:

So my son if you've listened to earlier podcast episodes, he was having a lot of ADHD symptoms, having issues at schools. He got kicked out of a couple of schools. He's only five, almost five and a half, and I had a session with my mentor and asked him to look into his soul contract, my soul contract, all of that and he found, using the same intuition that I have, that he needs 37 minutes of my time uninterrupted every day, just like sitting with him and saying okay, what do you want to do for 37 minutes? Giving him my full attention, not going on my phone, just literally letting him do whatever he wants to do. Typically he wants to just play Roblox during the 37 minutes and it has been night and day Like I was very against giving him any medication when he was diagnosed with ADHD and ODD.

Speaker 2:

Just like a year ago he was diagnosed with both of those and, like his behavior was so out of control, I took him to the doctor's office. He was hitting me, biting me, punching me. It was insane. And this was at the Amen Clinic, which is like anti-medication as well, and even she was like maybe he needs to be on medication. But I was just like, nope, I know this is part of my sole path to learn how to help him without medication medication, because I do not want to put my son on Ritalin or Adderall, and so she gave me some natural supplements to try, which did help, but I had to give it to him twice a day and there were like L-theanine, 5-htp and saffron those were the biggest ones and then, at night, magnesium.

Speaker 2:

So, and once I started becoming emotionally balanced, once I started dealing with my reflections, the second that they popped up and I'm not perfect, obviously I got sick, so I did not deal with that and I made the mistake of my daughter was about like four days into her sickness and I was like, oh, I'm not going to get it, I'm good. And then I got it and I was like, well, I only usually get sick for two days, which is true. It's going on like two weeks, and you can probably tell I'm still congested, so I let my ego kind of get in the way there, but sometimes, yes, I will miss a reflection, and then this sickness was obviously a very high reflection that I had missed right. So once though, I started regulating my emotions, once I started giving him that 37 minutes, and it will be different for every child. So if you're in my program, my membership program, you can ask me on a monthly check-in call how many minutes a day do I need to spend with my child uninterrupted? Like, obviously, I spend a lot more than 37 minutes with them, but this is like 37 minutes of whatever they want to do. So it'll be different for other kids, but typically it's less than an hour. So he doesn't even need his supplements anymore.

Speaker 2:

He has been getting stars, two stars, every day at school. He, like his teacher, is shocked, like I, literally you guys had to meet with the teacher, with the principal, with the school counselor, all of that to get him on a plan. This was right, as I started addressing my reflections, and so he was getting a little bit better, but and I should say, like, when they're seven or younger, it's a reflection of us. That's really important thing to add in there. So I know that he's just reflecting my behavior and I should say, like when they're seven or younger, it's a reflection of us. That's really important thing to add in there. So I know that he's just reflecting my behavior and I'll see it. If I have a day where I get emotional, he will act out a little bit, but it's nothing like it was before. I don't even have to give him his natural supplements anymore and his teacher is like what happened, like it's totally different child, and his teacher is like what happened, like it's totally different child.

Speaker 2:

So this is why, like our system is so outdated, they just want to give our kids medication and not deal with them. I was not okay with that, so I did it the harder way, which is addressing my own reflections, mastering my emotions, really looking at from an energetic perspective what needs to change here. Right, so everything is within our control. The fact that people don't understand that and believe it, it's a dark force issue. We are all living in our own Truman Show and we can control ourself and we can actually control the way other people behave, and so this is what I do differently with the clients that come to me is when they come to me and they're like my ex is doing this XYZ, blah, blah, blah, they're coming to me, whether they know it or not, because they're they're realizing the outdated ways that other people have been helping them just aren't working right. The therapy, the tapping, the affirmations, the journaling, all of that like that doesn't get to the root and pull it out. That's also not even addressing the energetics, which is a huge piece. We are 50% physical, 50% energetic. We have to address both. So if today's episode hit home for you, we have to address both. So if today's episode hit home for you, definitely let me know. And if you can relate to any of those, it's definitely time to like clear those leaks and reclaim your power.

Speaker 2:

I'm actually working on releasing a mini masterclass called the X Detox Mini Masterclass. It's going to be $47. I'm going to explain more about from the relationship perspective and then I will be including the cord cutting and the advanced cord cutting in there. So if that interests you, join the wait list. I'll link it in the show notes and I'll email you once it's available. Again, it's only $47. I don't think I have anything else for $47. So that would be a really good introductory program if you haven't purchased something from me. And just a side note, I haven't announced this anywhere because it was very much a personal decision.

Speaker 2:

But my membership has now changed. You cannot just come in for a month, you need to commit to a year, and I will explain why I did this. So initially, my membership, the only option was an annual membership and what I saw was people come, came in, they're still in and this is like their second year. Right, they've seen huge, they've really committed to their healing. And so when I switched to a monthly subscription, what I saw was there were two types of people coming in. One were very similar to the other ones, where they were committed to long-term healing, working with me long-term. But then there were people coming in who were just coming in to try to cram all the information. Right now I do offer one-on-one intuitive reads every month for each person, so they're private, so you do get that as like. Basically, it's basically free right now, based on the cost of the program. I won't be able to offer that forever, obviously, as my membership grows.

Speaker 2:

But what I noticed is people were coming in and it was almost like frantic energy, like let me consume this really fast, let me get my read and then I'm going to and then I have to go, and so I didn't like that vibe, like it was nothing against the people, but it was just that's not what my membership is for. It is really more for like a coaching experience. So what I did was I just changed it to be an annual membership. You can still use after pay to pay monthly. So if you're going to the checkout page, I think you have to enter your email address and name and then go to the payment section. You can still click after pay for like monthly payments.

Speaker 2:

But I am no longer financing payment plans because I did have an issue recently where someone didn't pay and then I just don't want to have to deal with that, to be honest. So I only want people coming in who have high integrity, who are committed to their healing and who it's a fair energy exchange, because I'm giving a lot more than I'm even charging in my membership, and so I want people to come in who are committed to working with me long term. So, anyway, just a little change in the membership. I did have a couple people ask oh, can I not join monthly anymore? No, you can pay monthly to after pay, but you cannot pay me monthly anymore, and so for any of you you know with online businesses or thinking about it, this is a really important thing to note, as well as to always feel like you're in a fair, energetic exchange with people, because the second you start feeling resentment in your programs, you're going to repel people.

Speaker 2:

It's not going to feel the way that you want it right. So the second I made this change, I felt relief because I know now people will come in who are committed, right, and who are my ideal client, and so that's why I wanted to offer this $47 mini masterclass was so that people could experience what I do in my programs. It's kind of like a little taster of my work, right? So long story short, join the waitlist if you're wanting to get access to that masterclass, and I look forward to helping you take your energy back in whatever space I see you in.

Speaker 1:

So, sending you all so much love space I see you in, so sending you all so much love. Thank you for listening to Unveiled. I always love hearing your takeaways, so please connect with me on Instagram at Angela Marie Christian, and feel free to tag me when you share it with your friends. Every single review matters and it helps me reach more people who want to improve this world. If you leave a review, let me know and I'll send you a little thank you gift. Any resources mentioned in the show will be linked in the show notes. Sending you all love.